def word_split(phrase,list_of_words, output = None):
Note: This is a very "python-y" solution.
# Checks to see if any output has been initiated.
# If you default output=[], it would be overwritten for every recursion!
if output is None:
output = []
if phrase is not None:
print("phrase {} list_of_words {}".format(phrase,list_of_words))
# For every word in list
for word in list_of_words:
# If the current phrase begins with the word, we have a split point!
if phrase.startswith(word):
print("phrase startswith {}".format(word))
# Add the word to the output
# Recursively call the split function on the remaining portion of the phrase--- phrase[len(word):]
# Remember to pass along the output and list of words
return word_split(phrase[len(word):],list_of_words,output)
# Finally return output if no phrase.startswith(word) returns True
return output
def word_split(phrase,list_of_words, output = None):
Note: This is a very "python-y" solution.
# Checks to see if any output has been initiated.
# If you default output=[], it would be overwritten for every recursion!
if output is None:
output = []
if phrase is not None:
print("phrase {} list_of_words {}".format(phrase,list_of_words))
# For every word in list
for word in list_of_words:
# If the current phrase begins with the word, we have a split point!
if word in phrase:
print("{} in phrase ".format(word))
# Add the word to the output
# Recursively call the split function on the remaining portion of the phrase--- phrase[len(word):]
# Remember to pass along the output and list of words
return word_split(phrase.replace(word,''),list_of_words,output)
# Finally return output if no phrase.startswith(word) returns True
return output
>>phrase themanran list_of_words ['clown', 'ran', 'man']
>>ran in phrase
>>phrase theman list_of_words ['clown', 'ran', 'man']
>>man in phrase
>>phrase the list_of_words ['clown', 'ran', 'man']
>>['ran', 'man']
reverse string
def reverse(s):
# Base Case
if len(s) <= 1:
return s
# Recursion
return reverse(s[1:]) + s[0]
def reverse(s):
# Base Case
if len(s) <= 1:
return s
# Recursion
return s[-1]+reverse(s[:-1])
reverse('hello world')
def permute(s):
out = []
# Base Case
if len(s) == 1:
out = [s]
print("last {}".format(s))
# For every letter in string
print("s {}".format(s))
for i, let in enumerate(s):
print("let {}".format(let))
# For every permutation resulting from Step 2 and 3 described above
for perm in permute(s[:i] + s[i+1:]):
print("perm {}".format(perm))
# Add it to output
out += [let + perm]
return out
s abc
let a
s bc
let b
last c
perm c
out ['bc']
let c
last b
perm b
out ['bc', 'cb']
perm bc
out ['abc']
perm cb
out ['abc', 'acb']
let b
s ac
let a
last c
perm c
out ['ac']
let c
last a
perm a
out ['ac', 'ca']
perm ac
out ['abc', 'acb', 'bac']
perm ca
out ['abc', 'acb', 'bac', 'bca']
let c
s ab
let a
last b
perm b
out ['ab']
let b
last a
perm a
out ['ab', 'ba']
perm ab
out ['abc', 'acb', 'bac', 'bca', 'cab']
perm ba
out ['abc', 'acb', 'bac', 'bca', 'cab', 'cba']
['abc', 'acb', 'bac', 'bca', 'cab', 'cba']
Coin change
def change(C, V, res=None):
res = [] if res is None else res
if len(V) == 0:
return len(res), res
maxx = max(V)
ans = C//maxx
if ans == 0 and maxx < C :
print("ans {} maxx {} C {}".format(ans,maxx,C))
res += [maxx] * ans
return len(res), res
print("ans {} maxx {} C {} V {}".format(ans,maxx,C,V))
res += [maxx] * ans
print("res {}".format(res))
return change(C % maxx, V, res)
# print (change(48,[1, 5, 10, 25, 50]))
# print (change(30,[25, 10, 2, 3, 1]))