CNN LSTM example

4 minute read

Sentiment Analysis

sentiment_data = pd.DataFrame()
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
sentiment_data = shuffle(sentiment_data)

convert word to int in train,test dataset

  • features includes data text padded data and max length is seq_len = 250
  • 250 array represents the 0 and vocabrary to int number( the number of occurrences in text)
X_train = features[:6400]
y_train = labels[:6400]

X_test = features[6400:]
y_test = labels[6400:]

Input and Output definition

inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size, sequence_len], name='inputs_reviews')
targets = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, 1], name='target_sentiment')

Text convolution

def define_inputs(batch_size, sequence_len):
    This function is used to define all placeholders used in the network.
    Input(s): batch_size - number of samples that we are feeding to the network per step
              sequence_len - number of timesteps in the RNN loop
    Output(s): inputs - the placeholder for reviews
               targets - the placeholder for classes (sentiments)
               keep_probs - the placeholder used to enter value for dropout in the model    
    inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size, sequence_len], name='inputs_reviews')
    targets = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, 1], name='target_sentiment')
    keep_probs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep_probs')
    return inputs, targets, keep_probs

def embeding_layer(vocab_size, embeding_size, inputs):
    Function used for creating word embedings (word vectors)
    Input(s): vocab_size - number of words in the vocab
              embeding_size - length of a vector used to represent a single word from vocab
              inputs - inputs placeholder
    Output(s): embed_expended -  word embedings expended to be 4D tensor so we can perform Convolution operation on it
    word_embedings = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([vocab_size, embeding_size]))
    embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(word_embedings, inputs)
    embed_expended = tf.expand_dims(embed, -1) #expend dims to 4d for conv layer
    return embed_expended

def text_conv(input, filter_size, number_of_channels, number_of_filters, strides=(1, 1), activation=tf.nn.relu, max_pool=True):
    This is classical CNN layer used to convolve over embedings tensor and gether useful information from it.
    Input(s): input - word_embedings
              filter_size - size of width and height of the Conv kernel
              number_of_channels - in this case it is always 1
              number_of_filters - how many representation of the input review are we going to output from this layer 
              strides - how many pixels does kernel move to the side and up/down
              activation - a activation function
              max_pool - boolean value which will trigger a max_pool operation on the output tensor
    Output(s): text_conv layer
    weights = weights_init([filter_size, filter_size, number_of_channels, number_of_filters])
    bias = bias_init([number_of_filters])
    layer = tf.nn.conv2d(input, filter=weights, strides=[1, strides[0], strides[1], 1], padding='SAME')
    if activation != None:
        layer = activation(layer)
    if max_pool:
        layer = tf.nn.max_pool(layer, ksize=[1, 2, 2 ,1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')
    return layer

def flatten(layer, batch_size, seq_len):
    Used to transform/reshape 4d conv output to 2d matrix
    Input(s): Layer - text_cnn layer
              batch_size - how many samples do we feed at once
              seq_len - number of time steps
    Output(s): reshaped_layer - the layer with new shape
               number_of_elements - this param is used as a in_size for next layer
    dims = layer.get_shape()
    number_of_elements = dims[2:].num_elements()
    reshaped_layer = tf.reshape(layer, [batch_size, int(seq_len/2), number_of_elements])
    return reshaped_layer, number_of_elements

def dense_layer(input, in_size, out_size, dropout=False, activation=tf.nn.relu):
    Output layer for the lstm netowrk
    Input(s): lstm_outputs - outputs from the RNN part of the network
              input_size - in this case it is RNN size (number of neuros in RNN layer)
              output_size - number of neuros for the output layer == number of classes
    Output(s) - logits, 
    weights = weights_init([in_size, out_size])
    bias = bias_init([out_size])
    layer = tf.matmul(input, weights) + bias
    if activation != None:
        layer = activation(layer)
    if dropout:
        layer = tf.nn.dropout(layer, 0.5)
    return layer

def lstm_layer(lstm_size, number_of_layers, batch_size, dropout_rate):
    This method is used to create LSTM layer/s for PixelRNN
    Input(s): lstm_cell_unitis - used to define the number of units in a LSTM layer
              number_of_layers - used to define how many of LSTM layers do we want in the network
              batch_size - in this method this information is used to build starting state for the network
              dropout_rate - used to define how many cells in a layer do we want to 'turn off'
    Output(s): cell - lstm layer
               init_state - zero vectors used as a starting state for the network
    def cell(size, dropout_rate=None):
        layer = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(lstm_size)
        return tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(layer, output_keep_prob=dropout_rate)
    cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([cell(lstm_size, dropout_rate) for _ in range(number_of_layers)])
    init_state = cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)
    return cell, init_state

def loss_optimizer(logits, targets, learning_rate, ):
    Function used to calculate loss and minimize it
    Input(s): rnn_out - logits from the fully_connected layer
              targets - targets used to train network
    Output(s): optimizer - optimizer of choice
               loss - calculated loss function
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=targets))
    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss)
    return loss, optimizer                
  • Model
class SentimentCNN(object):
    def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.001, batch_size=100, seq_len=250, vocab_size=10000, embed_size=300,
                conv_filters=32, conv_filter_size=5, number_of_lstm_layers=1, lstm_units=128):
        To created Sentiment embed network CNN-LSTM create object of this class.
        Input(s): learning_rate/step_size - how fast are we going to find global minima
                  batch_size -  the nuber of samples to feed at once
                  seq_len - the number of timesteps in unrolled RNN
                  vocab_size - the number of nunique words in the vocab
                  embed_size - length of word embed vectors
                  conv_filters - number of filters in output tensor from CNN layer
                  conv_filter_size - height and width of conv kernel
                  number_of_lstm_layers - the number of layers used in the LSTM part of the network
                  lstm_units - the number of neurons/cells in a LSTM layer
        self.inputs, self.targets, self.keep_probs = define_inputs(batch_size, seq_len)
        embed = embeding_layer(vocab_size, embed_size, self.inputs)
        #Building the network
        convolutional_part = text_conv(embed, conv_filter_size, 1, conv_filters)
        conv_flatten, num_elements = flatten(convolutional_part, batch_size, seq_len)
        cell, init_state = lstm_layer(lstm_units, number_of_lstm_layers, batch_size, self.keep_probs)
        outputs, states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, conv_flatten, initial_state=init_state)
        review_outputs = outputs[:, -1, :]
        logits = dense_layer(review_outputs, lstm_units, 1, activation=None)
        self.loss, self.opt = loss_optimizer(logits, self.targets, learning_rate)
        preds = tf.nn.sigmoid(logits)
        currect_pred = tf.equal(tf.cast(tf.round(preds), tf.int32), tf.cast(self.targets, tf.int32))
        self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(currect_pred, tf.float32))
model = SentimentCNN(learning_rate=0.001, 
                     vocab_size=len(vocab_to_int) + 1, 

self.inputs (50, 250)
embed (50, 250, 300, 1)
convolutional_part Tensor("MaxPool:0", shape=(50, 125, 150, 32), dtype=float32)
conv_flatten Tensor("Reshape:0", shape=(50, 125, 4800), dtype=float32) num_elements 4800
outputs Tensor("rnn/transpose:0", shape=(50, 125, 128), dtype=float32) states (LSTMStateTuple(c=<tf.Tensor 'rnn/while/Exit_2:0' shape=(50, 128) dtype=float32>, h=<tf.Tensor 'rnn/while/Exit_3:0' shape=(50, 128) dtype=float32>),)
review_outputs (50, 128)
logits (50, 1)
