Reinforcement Learning Hvass Tutorial Q-Learning

15 minute read

Reinforcement Learning Q-Learning(Off-policy Function Approximation)


  • Atari games
  • Agent just learns how to play it from trial and error
  • Input is the screen output of the game and whether the previous action resulted in a reward or penalty
  • Playing Atari with Deep RL paper in Deepmind
  • Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning paper
  • The basic idea is to have the agent estimate so-called Q-values from the image
  • The Q-values tell the agent which action is most likely to lead to the highest cumulative reward in the future
  • finding Q-values and storing them for later retrieval using a function approximator

The Problem

  • You are controlling the paddle at the bottom
  • The goal is maximize the score of smashing the bricks in the wall
  • You must avoid dying by letting the ball pass beside the paddle
  • Training the states and Q-values below process RL_atari


  • Q-Learning (Off-policy TD Control)
    QlearningTD in sutton’s book
  • The Q-values indicate which action is expected to result in the highest reward
  • we have to estimate Q-values
  • The Q-values are initialized to zero and updated repeatedly as new information is collected from the agent
  • Q-value for state and action = reward + discount * max Q-value for next state

Simple Example

  • The images below demonstrates how Q-values are updated in a backwards
  • The Agent gets a reward +1 in the right most image
  • This reward is then propagated backwards to the previous game-states
  • The discounting is an exponentially decreasing function

Detailed Example

  • detailedExample
  • For the action NOOP in state t is estimated to be 2.9 which is the highest Q-value for that state
  • So the agent doesn’t do anything between state t and t+1
  • In state t+1, the agent scores 4 points but this is limited to 1 point in this implementation as as to stabilize the training
  • The maximum Q-value for state t+1 is 1.83
  • we update the Q-value to incorporate this new information
  • The new Q-value is 2.775 which is slightly lower than the previous 2.9
  • The idea is to have the agent play many,many and update the estimates of the Q-value about reward and penalties

Motion Trace

  • we can’t know which direction the ball is moving if we just use the single image
  • The typical solution is to use multiple consecutive images to represent the state of the game-environment
  • We use another approach
  • The left image is from the game-environmnet and the right image is the processed image
  • The right image shows traces of recent movements
  • We can see the ball is going downwards and has bounced off the right wall
  • and then the paddle has moved from the left to the right

Training Stability

  • consider the 3 images below which show the game-environment in 3 consecutive states
  • At state t+1, the score is +1 and it should be 0.97 for state t
  • for state t+2, the Neural Network will also estimate a Q-value near 1.0
  • It is because the images are so similar
  • But this is clearly wrong because the Q-values for state t+2 should be zero as we don’t know anything about future rewards at this point
  • For this reason, we will use a so-called Replay Memory so we can get gather a large number of memory of game-state and shuffle them during training the NN


  • RL_flowchart
  • This flowchart has two main loops
  • The first loop is for playing the game and recording data
    • NN estimates the Q-values and stores the game-state in the Replay Memory
  • The second loop is activated when the Replay Memory is sufficiently full
    • First it makes a full backwards propagation
    • Then it optimizes NN

Neural Network Architecture

  • The NN has 3 convolutional layers, all of which have filter-size 3x3
  • The layers have 16,32, and 64 output channels
  • The stride is 2 in the first two CNN and 1 in the last layer
  • Following the 3 convolutional layers there are 4 fully connected layer each with 1024 units and ReLU activation

Code Analysis

Game Environment

env_name = ‘Breakout-v0’

Download Pre-Trained Model

  • You can download a Tensorflow checkpoint which holds all the pre-trained variables for the NN
  • 150 hours with 2.6Ghz CPU and GTX 1070 GPU
  • The tensorflow checkpoint cann’t be used with newer versions of the gym and atari-py

Hyper parameter

# Description of this program.
desc = "Reinformenct Learning (Q-learning) for Atari Games using TensorFlow."

# Create the argument parser.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)

# Add arguments to the parser.
parser.add_argument("--env", required=False, default='Breakout-v0',
                    help="name of the game-environment in OpenAI Gym")

parser.add_argument("--training", required=False,
                    dest='training', action='store_true',
                    help="train the agent (otherwise test the agent)")

parser.add_argument("--render", required=False,
                    dest='render', action='store_true',
                    help="render game-output to screen")

parser.add_argument("--episodes", required=False, type=int, default=None,
                    help="number of episodes to run")

parser.add_argument("--dir", required=False, default=checkpoint_base_dir,
                    help="directory for the checkpoint and log-files")

# Parse the command-line arguments.
args = parser.parse_args()

# Get the arguments.
env_name = args.env
training =
render = args.render
num_episodes = args.episodes
checkpoint_base_dir = args.dir

Create Agent

  • The Agent class implements the playing the game, recording data and optimizing the NN
  • training = True means replay-memory to record states and Q-values
    agent = rl.Agent(env_name=env_name,
model = agent.model

replay_memory = agent.replay_memory
class Agent:
    This implements the function for running the game-environment with
    an agent that uses Reinforcement Learning. This class also creates
    instances of the Replay Memory and Neural Network.

    def __init__(self, env_name, training, render=False, use_logging=True):
        Create an object-instance. This also creates a new object for the
        Replay Memory and the Neural Network.
        Replay Memory will only be allocated if training==True.

        :param env_name:
            Name of the game-environment in OpenAI Gym.
            Examples: 'Breakout-v0' and 'SpaceInvaders-v0'

        :param training:
            Boolean whether to train the agent and Neural Network (True),
            or test the agent by playing a number of episodes of the game (False).
        :param render:
            Boolean whether to render the game-images to screen during testing.

        :param use_logging:
            Boolean whether to use logging to text-files during training.

        # Create the game-environment using OpenAI Gym.
        self.env = gym.make(env_name)

        # The number of possible actions that the agent may take in every step.
        self.num_actions = self.env.action_space.n
  • Above codes are :
    • create gym.make(env_name)
    • get action number from gym environment
        # List of string-names for the actions in the game-environment.
        self.action_names = self.env.unwrapped.get_action_meanings()

        # Epsilon-greedy policy for selecting an action from the Q-values.
        # During training the epsilon is decreased linearly over the given
        # number of iterations. During testing the fixed epsilon is used.
        self.epsilon_greedy = EpsilonGreedy(start_value=1.0,
  • Above codes are:
    • create epsilon_greedy policy
    • action probability is below than epsilon -> choose random prob
    • otherwise use argmax
      # With probability epsilon.
        if np.random.random() < epsilon:
            # Select a random action.
            action = np.random.randint(low=0, high=self.num_actions)
            # Otherwise select the action that has the highest Q-value.
            action = np.argmax(q_values)
            # The following control-signals are only used during training.

            # The learning-rate for the optimizer decreases linearly.
            self.learning_rate_control = LinearControlSignal(start_value=1e-3,

            # The loss-limit is used to abort the optimization whenever the
            # mean batch-loss falls below this limit.
            self.loss_limit_control = LinearControlSignal(start_value=0.1,

            # The maximum number of epochs to perform during optimization.
            # This is increased from 5 to 10 epochs, because it was found for
            # the Breakout-game that too many epochs could be harmful early
            # in the training, as it might cause over-fitting.
            # Later in the training we would occasionally get rare events
            # and would therefore have to optimize for more iterations
            # because the learning-rate had been decreased.
            self.max_epochs_control = LinearControlSignal(start_value=5.0,

            # The fraction of the replay-memory to be used.
            # Early in the training, we want to optimize more frequently
            # so the Neural Network is trained faster and the Q-values
            # are learned and updated more often. Later in the training,
            # we need more samples in the replay-memory to have sufficient
            # diversity, otherwise the Neural Network will over-fit.
            self.replay_fraction = LinearControlSignal(start_value=0.1,

            # We only create the replay-memory when we are training the agent,
            # because it requires a lot of RAM. The image-frames from the
            # game-environment are resized to 105 x 80 pixels gray-scale,
            # and each state has 2 channels (one for the recent image-frame
            # of the game-environment, and one for the motion-trace).
            # Each pixel is 1 byte, so this replay-memory needs more than
            # 3 GB RAM (105 x 80 x 2 x 200000 bytes).

            # self.replay_memory = ReplayMemory(size=200000,
            self.replay_memory = ReplayMemory(size=50000,
  • Above codes are
    • Training parameters
      • self.learning_rate_control : from 1e-3 to 1e-5
      • self.loss_limit_control : from 0.1 to 0.015
      • self.max_epochs_control : from 5.0 to 10.0
      • self.replay_fraction : from 0.1 to 1.0
      • self.replay_memory : RAM size 200000 ~
        # Create the Neural Network used for estimating Q-values.
        self.model = NeuralNetwork(num_actions=self.num_actions,

        # Log of the rewards obtained in each episode during calls to run()
        self.episode_rewards = []

  • Above codes are
    • create neural network
    • class NeuralNetwork:
      # Placeholder variable for inputting states into the Neural Network.
      # A state is a multi-dimensional array holding image-frames from
      # the game-environment.
      self.x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None] + state_shape, name='x')
      # initial weights
      init = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=2e-2)
      import prettytensor as pt
          # Wrap the input to the Neural Network in a PrettyTensor object.
          x_pretty = pt.wrap(self.x)
          # Create the convolutional Neural Network using Pretty Tensor.
          with pt.defaults_scope(activation_fn=tf.nn.relu):
              self.q_values = x_pretty. \
                  conv2d(kernel=3, depth=16, stride=2, name='layer_conv1', weights=init). \
                  conv2d(kernel=3, depth=32, stride=2, name='layer_conv2', weights=init). \
                  conv2d(kernel=3, depth=64, stride=1, name='layer_conv3', weights=init). \
                  flatten(). \
                  fully_connected(size=1024, name='layer_fc1', weights=init). \
                  fully_connected(size=1024, name='layer_fc2', weights=init). \
                  fully_connected(size=1024, name='layer_fc3', weights=init). \
                  fully_connected(size=1024, name='layer_fc4', weights=init). \
                  fully_connected(size=num_actions, name='layer_fc_out', weights=init,
          # Loss-function which must be optimized. This is the mean-squared
          # error between the Q-values that are output by the Neural Network
          # and the target Q-values.
          self.loss = self.q_values.l2_regression(target=self.q_values_new)
          self.optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate).minimize(self.loss)
          # Used for saving and loading checkpoints.
          self.saver = tf.train.Saver()


  • The agent’s run() is used to play the game
  • run() function
    def run(self, num_episodes=None):
        Run the game-environment and use the Neural Network to decide
        which actions to take in each step through Q-value estimates.
        :param num_episodes: 
            Number of episodes to process in the game-environment.
            If None then continue forever. This is useful during training
            where you might want to stop the training using Ctrl-C instead.

        # Counter for the number of states we have processed.
        # This is stored in the TensorFlow graph so it can be
        # saved and reloaded along with the checkpoint.
        count_states = self.model.get_count_states()
  • class NeuralNetwork:
    	self.count_states = tf.Variable(initial_value=0,
                                trainable=False, dtype=tf.int64,

        while count_episodes <= num_episodes:
            if end_episode:
                # Reset the game-environment and get the first image-frame.
                img = self.env.reset()

                # Create a new motion-tracer for processing images from the
                # game-environment. Initialize with the first image-frame.
                # This resets the motion-tracer so the trace starts again.
                # This could also be done if end_life==True.
                motion_tracer = MotionTracer(img)
  • Above codes are
    • end_episode = True which cause a reset in the first iteration
    • get the first img from gym.env and create class MotionTracer
    • Reset the game-environment and Motion Tracer
      def _pre_process_image(image):
        """Pre-process a raw image from the game-environment."""
        # Convert image to gray-scale.
        img = _rgb_to_grayscale(image)
        # Resize to the desired size using SciPy for convenience.
        img = scipy.misc.imresize(img, size=state_img_size, interp='bicubic')
        return img
      class MotionTracer:
        def __init__(self, image, decay=0.75):
            :param image:
                First image from the game-environment,
                used for resetting the motion detector.
            :param decay:
                Parameter for how long the tail should be on the motion-trace.
                This is a float between 0.0 and 1.0 where higher values means
                the trace / tail is longer.
            # Pre-process the image and save it for later use.
            # The input image may be 8-bit integers but internally
            # we need to use floating-point to avoid image-noise
            # caused by recurrent rounding-errors.
            img = _pre_process_image(image=image)
            self.last_input = img.astype(np.float)
            # Get the state of the game-environment from the motion-tracer.
            # The state has two images: (1) The last image-frame from the game
            # and (2) a motion-trace that shows movement trajectories.
            state = motion_tracer.get_state()

            # Use the Neural Network to estimate the Q-values for the state.
            # Note that the function assumes an array of states and returns
            # a 2-dim array of Q-values, but we just have a single state here.
            q_values = self.model.get_q_values(states=[state])[0]
  • npdstack
          class MotionTracer:
              def get_state(self):
                  # Stack the last input and output images.
                  state = np.dstack([self.last_input, self.last_output])
                  state = state.astype(np.uint8)
                  return state
            # Determine the action that the agent must take in the game-environment.
            # The epsilon is just used for printing further below.
            action, epsilon = self.epsilon_greedy.get_action(q_values=q_values,
  • class EpsilonGrddy get_action(…)
          class EpsilonGreedy:
          def get_action(self, q_values, iteration, training):
              epsilon = self.get_epsilon(iteration=iteration, training=training)
              # With probability epsilon.
              if np.random.random() < epsilon:
                  # Select a random action.
                  action = np.random.randint(low=0, high=self.num_actions)
                  # Otherwise select the action that has the highest Q-value.
                  action = np.argmax(q_values) 
            # Take a step in the game-environment using the given action.
            # Note that in OpenAI Gym, the step-function actually repeats the
            # action between 2 and 4 time-steps for Atari games, with the number
            # chosen at random.
            img, reward, end_episode, info = self.env.step(action=action)

            # Process the image from the game-environment in the motion-tracer.
            # This will first be used in the next iteration of the loop.
  • npwhere
      class MotionTracer:
          def process(self, image):
              img_dif = img - self.last_input
              img_motion = np.where(np.abs(img_dif) > 20, 255.0, 0.0)
            # Add the reward for the step to the reward for the entire episode.
            reward_episode += reward

            # Determine if a life was lost in this step.
            num_lives_new = self.get_lives()
            end_life = (num_lives_new < num_lives)
            num_lives = num_lives_new

            # Increase the counter for the number of states that have been processed.
            count_states = self.model.increase_count_states()


            # If we want to train the Neural Network to better estimate Q-values.
                # Add the state of the game-environment to the replay-memory.
  •     class ReplayMemory:
             # self.num_actions = self.env.action_space.n
             self.states = np.zeros(shape=[size] + state_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
             self.q_values = np.zeros(shape=[size, num_actions], dtype=np.float)
             self.actions = np.zeros(shape=size,
             self.rewards = np.zeros(shape=size, dtype=np.float)
                # How much of the replay-memory should be used.
                use_fraction = self.replay_fraction.get_value(iteration=count_states)

                # When the replay-memory is sufficiently full.
                if self.replay_memory.is_full() \
                    or self.replay_memory.used_fraction() > use_fraction:

                    # Update all Q-values in the replay-memory through a backwards-sweep.
  •     class ReplayMemory:
            def update_all_q_values(self):
                # Copy old Q-values so we can print their statistics later.
                # Note that the contents of the arrays are copied.
                self.q_values_old[:] = self.q_values[:]
                # num_used is total number of stored states
                for k in reversed(range(self.num_used-1)):
                    # Get the data for the k'th state in the replay-memory.
                    action = self.actions[k]
                    reward = self.rewards[k]
                    end_life = self.end_life[k]
                    end_episode = self.end_episode[k]
                    # Calculate the Q-value for the action that was taken in this state.
                    if end_life or end_episode:
                        action_value = reward
                        action_value = reward + self.discount_factor * np.max(self.q_values[k + 1])
                    # Error of the Q-value that was estimated using the Neural Network.
                    self.estimation_errors[k] = abs(action_value - self.q_values[k, action])
                    # Update the Q-value with the better estimate.
                    self.q_values[k, action] = action_value
                    # Get the control parameters for optimization of the Neural Network.
                    # These are changed linearly depending on the state-counter.
                    learning_rate = self.learning_rate_control.get_value(iteration=count_states)
                    loss_limit = self.loss_limit_control.get_value(iteration=count_states)
                    max_epochs = self.max_epochs_control.get_value(iteration=count_states)

                    # Perform an optimization run on the Neural Network so as to
                    # improve the estimates for the Q-values.
                    # This will sample random batches from the replay-memory.
  •      class NeuralNetwork:
             def optimize(self, min_epochs=1.0, max_epochs=10,
                 batch_size=128, loss_limit=0.015,
                 # Prepare the probability distribution for sampling the replay-memory.
                 # Number of optimization iterations corresponding to one epoch.
                 iterations_per_epoch = self.replay_memory.num_used / batch_size
                 # Minimum number of iterations to perform.
                 min_iterations = int(iterations_per_epoch * min_epochs)
                 # Maximum number of iterations to perform.
                 max_iterations = int(iterations_per_epoch * max_epochs)
                 # Buffer for storing the loss-values of the most recent batches.
                 loss_history = np.zeros(100, dtype=float)
                 for i in range(max_iterations):
                     # Randomly sample a batch of states and target Q-values
                     # from the replay-memory. These are the Q-values that we
                     # want the Neural Network to be able to estimate.
                     state_batch, q_values_batch = self.replay_memory.random_batch()
    • nprandomchoice,npconcatenate

           class ReplayMemory:
               def random_batch(self):
                   idx_lo = np.random.choice(self.idx_err_lo,
                   idx_hi = np.random.choice(self.idx_err_hi,
                   idx = np.concatenate((idx_lo, idx_hi))
                   states_batch = self.states[idx]
                   q_values_batch = self.q_values[idx] 
                     # Create a feed-dict for inputting the data to the TensorFlow graph.
                     # Note that the learning-rate is also in this feed-dict.
                     feed_dict = {self.x: state_batch,
                                 self.q_values_new: q_values_batch,
                                 self.learning_rate: learning_rate}
                     # Perform one optimization step and get the loss-value.
                     loss_val, _ =[self.loss, self.optimizer],
                     # Shift the loss-history and assign the new value.
                     # This causes the loss-history to only hold the most recent values.
                     loss_history = np.roll(loss_history, 1)
                     loss_history[0] = loss_val
                     # Calculate the average loss for the previous batches.
                     loss_mean = np.mean(loss_history)
                     # Print status.
                     pct_epoch = i / iterations_per_epoch
                     msg = "\tIteration: {0} ({1:.2f} epoch), Batch loss: {2:.4f}, Mean loss: {3:.4f}"
                     msg = msg.format(i, pct_epoch, loss_val, loss_mean)
                     # Stop the optimization if we have performed the required number
                     # of iterations and the loss-value is sufficiently low.
                     if i > min_iterations and loss_mean < loss_limit:
                    # Save a checkpoint of the Neural Network so we can reload it.

                    # Reset the replay-memory. This throws away all the data we have
                    # just gathered, so we will have to fill the replay-memory again.

            if end_episode:
                # Add the episode's reward to a list for calculating statistics.

            # Mean reward of the last 30 episodes.
            if len(self.episode_rewards) == 0:
                # The list of rewards is empty.
                reward_mean = 0.0
                reward_mean = np.mean(self.episode_rewards[-30:])

            if and end_episode:
                # Log reward to file.
                if self.use_logging:

                # Print reward to screen.
                msg = "{0:4}:{1}\t Epsilon: {2:4.2f}\t Reward: {3:.1f}\t Episode Mean: {4:.1f}"
                print(msg.format(count_episodes, count_states, epsilon,
                                 reward_episode, reward_mean))
            elif not and (reward != 0.0 or end_life or end_episode):
                # Print Q-values and reward to screen.
                msg = "{0:4}:{1}\tQ-min: {2:5.3f}\tQ-max: {3:5.3f}\tLives: {4}\tReward: {5:.1f}\tEpisode Mean: {6:.1f}"
                print(msg.format(count_episodes, count_states, np.min(q_values),
                                 np.max(q_values), num_lives, reward_episode, reward_mean))

Reference sites

Hvass tutorial github


  1. Simple Linear Model (Notebook)

  2. Convolutional Neural Network (Notebook)

  3. Pretty Tensor (Notebook)

3-B. Layers API (Notebook)

3-C. Keras API (Notebook)

  1. Save & Restore (Notebook)

  2. Ensemble Learning (Notebook)

  3. CIFAR-10 (Notebook)

  4. Inception Model (Notebook)

  5. Transfer Learning (Notebook)

  6. Video Data (Notebook)

  7. Fine-Tuning (Notebook)

  8. Adversarial Examples (Notebook)

  9. Adversarial Noise for MNIST (Notebook)

  10. Visual Analysis (Notebook)

13-B. Visual Analysis for MNIST (Notebook)

  1. DeepDream (Notebook)

  2. Style Transfer (Notebook)

  3. Reinforcement Learning (Notebook)

  4. Estimator API (Notebook)

  5. TFRecords & Dataset API (Notebook)

  6. Hyper-Parameter Optimization (Notebook)

  7. Natural Language Processing (Notebook)

  8. Machine Translation (Notebook)

  9. Image Captioning (Notebook)

  10. Time-Series Prediction (Notebook)